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Studia Geologica Polonica vol. 102 (Abstracts) Studia Geologica Polonica, 102: 7-134. The age and microfauna of the Maruszyna Succession (Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene), Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland Antoni KOSTKA Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Tectonics Laboratory, 31-002 Kraków, PolandAbstract
SGP Home Volume content Studia Geologica Polonica, 102: 135-158. Wiek kredowej części sukcesji maruszyńskiej pienińskiego pasa skałkowego na podstawie nannoplanktonu wapiennego Józef DUDZIAK Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Tectonics Laboratory, 31-002 Kraków, PolandStreszczenie
Age of Cretaceous rocks of the Maruszyna Succession, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, based on calcareous nannoplankton SummaryCretaceous nannoplankton assemblages of the Maruszyna Succession (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Polish Carpathians - Figs 1, 2) were investigated from the field sections at Szaflary (15 samples) and at Maruszyna (12 samples). Preservation of the nannoplankton remains was so poor that it was possible to determine the taxons under crossed nicols only. Lack of the taxa Reinhardtites anthroporus (Deflandre), Tranolithus phacelosus Stover, and Reinhardtites laevis Prins et Sissingh, made it impossible to determine upper limits of the three nannoplankton zones of the Campanian-Maastrichtian in Sissingh's (1977) standard. Therefore, Roth's (1978) standard was applied instead. In the Cretaceous part of the section at Szaflary, has been recognized the upper Maastrichtian, nannoplankton zones NC 22-23 of Roth (1978). In the Skrzypny Stream section at Maruszyna, the late Campanian, Early and Late Maastrichtian nannoplankton zones NC 20-23 were stated. Earlier investigations of calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from Palaeogene part of the Maruszyna Succession at the same sites (Dudziak, 1990; Dudziak & Kostka, 1989), together with the above results of the Cretaceous parts of the same sections, allow to conclude that the deposition of marine marls and shales of the Maruszyna Succession covered the time span from Late Campanian through earliest Late Eocene, the NP 18 Standard Nannoplankton Zone inclusively (Fig. 3C). Lack of nannoplankton assemblages of the earliest Paleocene (nannoplankton zones NP 1-4) may indicate a break in deposition at that time. The lack of the NP 11 Zone, may be an effect of tectonic disturbances. A comparison of biostratigraphy of the Maruszyna Succession based on foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton (Fig. 4) includes also the results of earlier investigations (Dudziak, 1985). The presence of Early and Middle Eocene nannoplankton taxons in the samples was then regarded as a result of subsequent contamination (Dudziak, 1985). SGP Home Volume content Studia Geologica Polonica, 102: 159-176. Wiek fliszu podhalańskiego (paleogen) w Kacwinie (południowe obrzeżenie pienińskiego pasa skałkowego) na podstawie nannoplanktonu wapiennego Józef DUDZIAK Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Tectonics Laboratory, 31-002 Kraków, PolandStreszczenie
Age of the Podhale flysch (Palaeogene) at Kacwin, south of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, based on calcareous nannoplankton SummaryCalcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Palaeogene Podhale flysch strata at Kacwin, south of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Fig. 1), were investigated in 56 samples. Due to poor state of preservation of the nannoplankton, its taxonomic determination was based on investigation in the light microscope only. About 6000 observation fields were checked for each sample under magnification 500 x, both under phase contrast and crossed nicols. Under phase contrast, have been identified sporadically occurring forms attributed to Coccolithuscf. pelagicus, as well as the genus Nannotetrina and discoasters (the frequency of discoasters determinable at specific level was 1 specimen per 20-240 observation fields). Other taxa (with frequency usually 1-3 specimens per 1 observation field) were determinable under crossed nicols only (Tab. 1). In almost all samples, the nannoplankton assemblages consisted predominantly of taxa belonging to the genera Cyclicargolithus, Dictyococcites and Reticulofenestra. Fragments belonging to the genus Chiasmolithus occurred with frequency of 1 specimen per 600-1200 observation fields. The same was true of Isthmolithus recurvus. Sphenolithus pseudoradians was not found. Recycling of older nannoflora was insignificant in the samples examined. The most frequent recycled forms were represented by Discoaster gemmeus, D. multiradiatus and the genus Nannotetrina, other recycled forms were represented by single specimens. The age of the examined nannoplankton assemblages is shown in Table 2. The oldest flysch strata (NP 18 Standard Nannoplankton Zone) occur at the northern and southern terminations of the examined river section, the youngest ones (NP 21) - approximately in the middle part of the section. Generally, the results of the present age determinations are in agreement with those from the Podhale flysch published earlier (Dudziak, 1983, 1984, 1986). SGP Home Volume content Studia Geologica Polonica, 102: 177-207. Late Albian-Early Cenomanian Radiolaria from the Czorsztyn Succession, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians Marta BĄK Jagiellonian Univetrsity, Institute of Geological Sciences, ul. Olenadry 2a, 30-063 Kraków, Poland;
SGP Home Volume content Studia Geologica Polonica, 102: 209-225. Late Quaternary landslides at eastern periphery of the National Park of the Pieniny Mountains, Carpathians, Poland Stefan W. ALEXANDROWICZ Department of Stratigraphy and Regional Geology, University of Mining and Metallurgy, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, PolandAbstract
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